glimpse forever ‘zine pilot issue

create a printable folding booklet of illustrations.


2010 12 html, css, illustrations

concept, design, illustration

in this issue: kauai skimboarding and font snowflakes

the goal of this project was to use the micro-book format to create a small printable folding booklet of illustrations.
drawing inspiration from an idea originally gleaned from the clearleft blog, i have often used this little printable folding booklet as part of various workshops and lessons.
children and adults alike enjoy having some d.i.y. take-home info in a miniature book format.

the theme is based on a statement by tamaki, “what the world needs is your color”, and is that each of us has a part to create and contribute.
the booklet will contain variations on recent artwork, some thoughts, and sections for coloring.
online, there are links from each work to related info.
printed and cut out, it becomes something of a collectible coloring book.
this may be a short-run deal, or something like a semi-annual quarterly so check on the /zine/ page for more issues and instructions on how to cut and fold it.

view all issues and see the how-to:

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