utasia trailer voiceover

create a voiceover recording for a summer camp game trailer

audio voiceover by davej

2011 03 .wav file

voiceover, recording

Utasia: The Power of the Kings Returned

You’ll need all the stealth and bravery you can muster for our newest late night adventure. It promises to take you into another dimension…and back!

this was a quick voiceover recording to help promote a bigger and better wide game adventure for the summer of 2011. check out the final video below…

Download: Apple iTunes .mp4 | Open Format .ogg

check out: /2002/qwanoes-starwars-game-pyro/

and this: /2001/qwanoes-outbreak-game-pyro/

original location: http://www.qwanoes.ca/summer/new.php/

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