print promo

design a new brochure and business cards building on the style and feel of the company website and other company promotional material.

2009 12 vector illustration, images, text 11 x 8.5 inches bifold 350 dpi

layout, design, colors, vector and photo work, copy editing and content creation

The stuff looks great.
Thanks for all of your work on the material…a GREAT job on the design of the brochure and cards.
Thanks for all your help!

– jason droppert, owner is a personal training and fitness company located in waterloo, ontario, canada. the project goal was to design and write content for a new brochure and business cards. the colors and layout needed to fit in with other company promotional material and branding, but bring a fresh, eye-catching, and client-centered style to the mix. peakfitness provided the photos and concept and project77 provided the layout, content editing, illustrated map, and print-ready .pdf files.

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